Washington Square History
Washington Square is one of the oldest public squares in our city. Established in 1817, original owner Elijah Johnson set aside some land for a potential courthouse.
The site ultimately didn’t win out, but instead became a significant place of gathering in its own right over the last two centuries.
After another location was decided upon for the courthouse, Elijah Johnson donated the land to the city.
Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument
Designed by Leonard Wells Volk, the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument was erected in 1892. At the top of the 42-foot monument stands a bronze figure of Abraham Lincoln. The four bronze figures below symbolize the infantry, cavalry, marines, and artillery.
Dedicated on Memorial Day, 1892, by President William Harrison, the Solidiers' and Sailors' Monument commemorated the Rochesterians who gave their lives during the Civil War.