Why is it called “Washington Square”?

Washington Square - downtown Rochester, NY

We know that the park was renamed from Johnson Square to Washington Square sometime between 1830 and 1835. In 1829, it was still referred to as Johnson Square in a local newspaper. In a circa January 1836 article published in the Rochester Daily Democrat, it was referred to as Washington Square.

To find out exactly when in that five year span the park was renamed would almost certainly involve looking page by page through the proceedings of the Rochester Common Council (predecessor of Rochester City Council) for that five year period. Unfortunately, this is beyond the purview of our staff.

As to why it was named Washington Square Park, I think one can safely assume that George Washington was the namesake. Washington Square Park in NYC was named after the first president in 1826 (initially it was the Washington Military Parade Ground). In Philadelphia, Southeast Square was renamed Washington Square in honour of the president in 1825.  I suspect that the park represented Rochester's tribute to Washington in turn.


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Washington Square Community Workshop: 5/2/24